
Children determine: extra money for children in poverty and unsafe at home

Children determine: extra money for children in poverty and unsafe at home


In recent months, more than 1,200 children have contributed ideas about where the money from the Children's Wallet, a special fund of Children's Postage Stamps, should go . Their answer: children who live in poverty or have an unsafe home should receive more help.

If children were allowed to decide for themselves which children need extra help and where the money collected by Kinderposttempels goes - what would that be? That is the idea behind the Children's Wallet, a special fund of Children's Stamps for which children can choose a destination themselves. In recent months, more than 1,200 students from 60 groups 7 and 8 in regular and special primary education participated in the special Children's Wallet workshops. There was brainstorming, discussion and voting on how the money from the Children's Wallet should be spent.

Children choose the themes of poverty and safety at home

Children consider poverty to be by far the most important issue. Nearly half (49.1%) want children affected by poverty to receive more help and support. This is followed by the theme of (in)safety at home with 29.1%. The remaining votes are almost evenly divided between the themes of loneliness (6.5%), not being able to participate (5.5%) and feeling unhappy (9.9%).

"I want a soundproof room so you don't hear arguments"

The children also believe that everything is connected. It is logical that you feel lonely when things are not nice at home. And of course you can't participate if your parents have little money. If you help someone with one thing, things will also go better with the other, the children conclude.


850,000 euros to distribute

The Children's Wallet is currently filled with 850,000 euros. Sofie Vriends, director of Kinderposttempels: “We will be working this summer to find project partners for the chosen themes. We ensure that the projects make an impact for as many children as possible. We then divide the money as the children have determined. As soon as we can tell you more about this, we will of course announce it through our channels.”

The voice of children is extremely important to Kinderposttempels, Sofie continues. “In fact, it is a right of children to participate in decisions about matters that concern them. We put this into practice in a very concrete way with the Children's Wallet. I have been extremely impressed by the dedication and enthusiasm with which children have taken part in the workshops and exercised their right to participate. Thank you very much everyone!”

Regional children's wallet

This year, for the first time, there was also a regional variant of the Children's Wallet. Fonds 1818, a foundation from The Hague, has filled the Children's Wallet with 300,000 euros. This is especially to help children in the Haaglanden and Bollenstreek regions. Sofie: “A great initiative that will hopefully be followed in other regions in the coming year.”

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