This is how we handle your personal data

Thank you for reading our privacy statement! This means that you find privacy just as important as we do. Here you can read what happens to your data if, for example, you visit our website, buy something from us or become a donor.

Who are we?

The Children's Postage Stamps Foundation is the charity organization of and by children. You probably know us from the annual Children's Postage Stamp Campaign, but we do much more. These are our details:

Children's Postage Stamps Netherlands Foundation
Schipholweg 97
2316 XA Leiden

Phone number: 0900 821 23 49
E-mail address:

Chamber of Commerce number: 41167934.
ANBI / RSIN / Tax number: 0096.52.668

Who are you?

For example, you are someone who has visited our website, purchased something in the webshop or became a donor. In this privacy statement you can read what we do with your personal data. We follow the privacy regulations 'General Data Protection Regulation' (GDPR), the Telecommunications Act and the codes of conduct of Goede Doelen Nederland.
This privacy statement applies to all activities of the Children's Postage Stamps Foundation.

What are personal data?

Personal data are pieces of personal information that allow others to see or understand that it is about you. For example, your first name and last name, but also your telephone number or bank account number are personal data.

Why do we collect
personal data?

Stichting Kinderposttempels collects your data to ensure that you can use all functions on the website, that we can deliver your order or process your donation, for marketing purposes and so that we can optimize our services. We only collect data if there is a basis for doing so according to the GDPR:

  • If we have an agreement with you, i.e. with a purchase, order or donation.
  • If you have given permission yourself, for example for sending the newsletter.
  • If there is a legal obligation. For example, if you make a payment to us, we are legally obliged to retain the transaction data.
  • If there is a legitimate interest for the Children's Postage Foundation. For example, we may ask you to contribute (again) to our mission, or inform you about our projects. If you do not appreciate this, you can indicate this (right to object or opt out).

What data do we collect?

Below you will find an overview of the data we collect in different situations.

When purchasing in our webshop or via a paper order form

  • Data from all fields with a * (name, street name, house number, postal code, place of residence and IBAN number). We need this information to confirm and deliver your order (legally speaking: to execute the agreement between you and us).
    Please note: if the billing address differs from the delivery address, we will store two addresses.
  • Phone number:
    Entering a telephone number is not mandatory, but it is useful: this way we can contact you if something goes wrong with the delivery of your order. Because you can order in two ways, via the webshop and via a paper order form, the telephone number is requested in both ways.
    If you have given permission for this, we can call you (within one year) to inform you about our activities and projects and to ask for support. We may also contact donors by telephone. If you do not wish to receive this, you can indicate this via 071 - 525 9800 or via . You can also use this to ask us when and how you have given permission.
    We always call from a recognizable number.
  • In the webshop, behind the telephone number field, there is a box with an opt-out offered with the following text: "Kinderposttempels may contact me by telephone about my order or donation and how my contribution helps children." An opt-out means that the box is automatically checked in the context of our customer relationship. If you do not want to be contacted by telephone, you must actively uncheck the box.
  • On the paper order form, behind the telephone number field, there is a box with the following: "If you enter your telephone number, Kinderposttempels can call you about your order and how your contribution helps children." This means that if you enter the telephone number you automatically agree to be contacted by telephone.
  • E-mail address:
    Requesting the email address is also done in two ways:
  • Entering an email address is a mandatory field when purchasing in our webshop. This is in connection with the basis necessary for the execution of the agreement. Behind the e-mail address field there is a box with an opt-out offered (in the context of our customer relationship) with the following text: "Send me an e-mail with news and offers." The box is therefore automatic checked, which gives permission. If you do not want to be contacted for this, you must actively uncheck the box.
  • Entering an email address on the paper order form is not a mandatory field. Behind the e-mail address field there is a box with the following message: "I do not wish to be informed by e-mail of offers and news from Kinderposttempels." This means that if the e-mail address is completed, permission is automatically given unless the box is actively checked.
  • General payment details. We know which payment method you choose and what amount you will pay us. The payment and associated (bank) details are processed by a third party (Multisafepay). Multisafepay is itself responsible for these processing operations. If you choose direct debit on a paper order form, we will ask for your IBAN number. We only store this data digitally for further processing. If you pay something in our webshop, we register (including for fraud detection and security) your IP address, web browser, longitude and latitude of your billing address and shipping address.
  • Details of your order. So what you ordered, how much, the total price and the payment method.
  • Order method. So whether you ordered via a QR code, paper order form, sales link or directly in our webshop.
  • Amount that you (possibly) give extra when rounding up your order amount.

Good to know: we destroy all paper order forms after processing.

When registering as a donor

  • The details of all fields with a * (name, street name, house number, postal code and place of residence - IBAN number only if you do not pay via iDeal). We need this information to ensure that you can make your donation (legally speaking: to execute the agreement between you and us).
  • Phone number and email address:
    Entering a telephone number is not mandatory, but it is useful: this way we can contact you if something goes wrong with your donation. The same rules apply to the telephone number and e-mail address as those under the heading ''When purchasing in our webshop or via a paper order form''.
  • Whether you want to donate once or monthly.
  • The amount you want to donate.

Good to know: you can also donate anonymously, in which case your details are not known to us. However, you cannot deduct your donation from taxes.

When subscribing to our newsletter

  • Your e-mail adress.
    Good to know: you can unsubscribe via the unsubscribe link at the bottom of each newsletter. If you choose to opt-out, we will register this so that we can guarantee the opt-out

When you email, call or write to us

  • The information that you provide to us yourself. It is therefore good to consider in advance which (sensitive or special) personal data you provide to us.

When you visit our website

  • The data that you have determined (via the settings on your computer, telephone or tablet) that may be shared.
  • Cookies. This allows us to analyze how our website is used. We can trace the data to devices, not to people.

Which cookies do we use?

Cookies are small files that are placed on the device used to visit the website during your visit to a website. This file stores information about the website visit or about the visitor.
Stichting Kinderposttempels uses social media, functional, analytical and tracking cookies.

Social media cookies

On our website you will see the logos of Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter. These parties themselves collect data from our visitors. Read the privacy statements of these parties for more information about how they use your data and what your influence is on it.

Functional cookies

Functional cookies are technically necessary for the website to work properly.

Analytical cookies

We use analytical cookies, just like functional cookies, to improve the quality of our website.

  • We use Google Analytics cookies. The information that is measured as a result has been made completely anonymous. Your IP address is anonymized by default and we do not share this information with third parties, including Google itself. We do not create profiles based on user behavior for marketing purposes, nor do we track your data across devices. Read more about how Google handles your data here .
  • We use Hotjar cookies to gain insight into where people look and click on our website. This helps us to improve the website. These cookies contain an identifier that makes it possible to track the same visitor across multiple pages and during different sessions. In addition, we can see which visitors are included in the Hotjar sample. These cookies are stored for a maximum of one year. Read more about how Hotjar handles your data here .

Tracking cookies

  • Our website uses a Facebook pixel. This helps us to analyze visits to our website who arrive via Facebook. The pixel stores information such as: which Facebook users visit the website, which pages do they visit? The behavior of users is also tracked after seeing or clicking a Facebook advertisement. In this way, Facebook evaluates the effectiveness of advertisements. Conversely, it is possible for us to also show website visitors advertisements on the Facebook platform. The data obtained is anonymous to us and does not provide us with any further information about your identity as a user. However, the data is stored by Facebook and processed in such a way that it is possible to link it to a specific user profile. Facebook can therefore use the data for its own advertising purposes. These cookies are stored for a maximum of one year. Read more about how Facebook handles your data here .
  • Our website uses Google's retargeting options. This allows us to target visitors to our website who have previously shown interest with advertisements in the Google search engine and the Google network. The cookie is stored on your computer, phone or tablet and does not record any personal data, only your previous behavior on the website. These cookies are stored for a maximum of 540 days. Read more about how Google Ads handles your data here . You can opt out of the Google cookie here .

What influence do you have on what we do with your data?

You may ask us which personal data we process about you. You also have a right to correction or deletion of (part of) your data. This concerns data that we do not need for the agreement or for accountability. You can largely manage this yourself via the profile and settings of your browser and/or devices. If we have asked your permission to use data, you can always withdraw this permission. However, this will not affect the use of your data before the time of withdrawal. You can also indicate that you do not want your data to be used for direct marketing purposes (right to object). Please contact us if you have any questions about this or would like to inform us of a change
or you feel that we are not lawfully handling your data. You can also file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority .

Do we share your data with others?

Yes, in some cases. For example, we did not develop the website ourselves, nor do we manage and support it ourselves. We are helped in this by ICT companies and providers of ICT solutions who therefore automatically process your data, and only for that purpose. They ensure that orders (both online and via paper order forms) are received by us, that payments are processed, that school data is registered and that our website can be used quickly and safely by large numbers of visitors at the same time. These companies work on our instructions. We have entered into a processing agreement with these companies, which stipulates that your data may only be processed within this agreement and may never be used by them for other purposes or made available to third parties.
Your personal data will only be provided to supervisors, other parties or persons/authorities if we are legally obliged to do so.

Is your data safe with us?

We find the security of your personal data important. We have therefore taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data against loss or any form of unlawful processing. This means that when using the website and all its functionalities there is always a secure (SSL) connection and that we make backups of files, install updates on time and use antivirus programs. The Netherlands Children's Postage Stamp Foundation has the DDMA 'Privacy Guarantee' quality mark.

How long do we use your data?

We store the data for as long as you keep it available to us, as long as our customer relationship lasts, or as long as the data is still necessary in relation to the purpose for which we received it from you. Due to tax legislation, we must keep the details of your order and/or donation for up to seven years. We destroy paper order forms after processing.
We do not store personal data for longer than necessary and delete personal data if someone requests this.
For the storage and use of personal data, we follow the privacy regulations 'General Data Protection Regulation' (GDPR) and the codes of conduct of Goede Doelen Nederland. It is important that we must keep certain data for 7 years due to tax regulations.


For questions or comments about the privacy statement, you can contact Stichting Kinderposttempels free of charge via:
Children's Postage Stamps Netherlands Foundation
Schipholweg 97
2316 XA Leiden
Or by e-mail:

Changes to this privacy statement

Our privacy statement is assessed at least once a year and adjusted if necessary. Our ' Privacy ' page always contains the most recent version.

Privacy statement – ​​April 2024