use of children's personal data 2023

Welcome, and thank you for wanting to know how we use your data! This means that you find privacy just as important as we do. Here you can read what happens to information about you if you participate in the Children's Postage Stamp Campaign, or if you call or email us. Quite a complicated subject. So do you still have questions after reading? Reassure them!

To begin

What is a privacy statement?

In this document you can read what we do with information about you that we collect when you participate in the Children's Postage Stamp Campaign, or when you call or email us. That's what you call a privacy statement. We follow the rules of a special law on privacy: the 'General Data Protection Regulation' (GDPR).

Who are we?

We are the Netherlands Children's Postage Stamps Foundation. Every year we organize the Children's Postage Stamp Campaign (but we do much more ) . These are our details:

Children's Postage Stamps Netherlands Foundation
Schipholweg 97
2316 XA Leiden

Phone number: 0900 821 23 49
E-mail address:

Chamber of Commerce number: 41167934.
ANBI / RSIN / Tax number: 0096.52.668

Who are you?

You are probably a child participating in the Children's Stamp Campaign. You will log in to 'My Action' on, you will play the online game, and perhaps you will call or email us. In all these cases we receive personal information about you. This information is also called: personal data.

What are personal data?

Personal data are pieces of personal information. Your first name and last name, for example, or your address. Personal data allows us to see, understand or verify that it concerns you. Handy, but of course we don't need to know everything. That's why the law protects all information about you – there's that special privacy law we talked about earlier.

This is what you need to know if you participate in the Children's Postage Stamp Campaign

What is on the information card?

You received a card at school with an explanation about the Children's Postage Stamp Campaign. That card is for yourself and for your parents or guardians. In law they are called: legal representatives. This card also contains your login details for 'My Action' on

Do you need permission?

Every year, children from groups 7 and 8 of primary school participate in the Children's Postage Stamp Campaign. In groups 7 and 8 you are not yet 16 years old – logical. By law, your parents or guardians must give permission before we can use your data. But in the Netherlands we consider participating in the Children's Postage Stamps to be so normal for children of your age that the law says that we can assume that your parents or guardians agree.

What data do we collect and when?

1. When you log in to 'My Promotion' on
You log in with the information on your card:
- the name of your school
- the location of your school
- the name of your group
- your personal login details
When you log in for the first time, you also have to come up with a nickname. That's a kind of nickname (not your own name).
We store all this data. When you return later via the same computer, telephone or tablet, you no longer have to type everything in. We do not know which child belongs to which nickname. Only you and your teacher know that. Your school has also already passed on information to us. For example, how many children participate per group. We also store that information. This is not data about you as a person.
You can of course log in via a computer, telephone or tablet. These devices can also share information with us. For example your IP address. An IP address is a string of numbers. That series of numbers is a kind of internet address, each device has its own IP address. You can determine which data is shared with us via the browser settings or the settings on your computer, telephone or tablet. We do not store this data further.

2. If you sell something via the QR code
Because the QR code on your sales folder is linked to your login details, we can also keep track of what each child sells. We don't know who is who because of your nickname, but we don't think that's important at all. If only you knew! We store all sales information in an overview. You can then see who has placed an order with you and for what amount. Your teacher or teacher can watch with the entire group. We use this information to calculate which group has won a prize after the promotion.

3. When you email, call or write to us
In that case, we know the information that you provide to us. For example, your name, your email address or the name of your school and group. It is good to consider in advance which personal data you share with us.

Why do we collect your data?

We do not simply collect your data. We always have a good reason for this:
- So that you can use all functions on 'My Promotion' properly.
- So that it becomes easy for you - and, for example, you don't have to type everything in again when logging in.
- So that your sales and your score are remembered well in the game. This allows us to determine whether your group has won a prize.
- Finally, we also collect your data for our own work. An example: we want to keep improving our website. That is why we find out how children use the website. Do they find it difficult or easy to work with it? Do they like the game? We investigate this with the Google Analytics program. We see how often the website is visited, at what time and for how long.

Even more appointments

Do you have any influence on what we do with your data?

Yes. You may ask us for an overview of your personal data. You also have the right to correct incorrect data or to have your data deleted. You can largely manage this yourself via the profile and settings of your computer, telephone or tablet. You can also indicate that you do not want your data to be used for direct marketing (so to speak: advertising) - although we do not use children's data for that anyway. Please contact us if you have any questions about your data, want to change something or if you feel that we are not handling your data properly. You can also file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority .

Do we share your data with others?

Yes, sometimes we do that.

For example: to make our website work, we get help from other companies. They ensure that orders go well, that people can pay and much more. These companies therefore automatically also work with your data. We have made special agreements with these companies. This states that they may never use your data for anything other than to properly do their work for Kinderposttempels.
Another example: sometimes we are legally obliged to release personal data. Then we will do that too.

Is your data safe with us?

We find the security of your personal data very important. That is why our website only works via a secure (SSL) connection. We have a privacy statement (you can read it now!) that states who can access your data, when and why. We back up files, we install updates on time and we use antivirus programs. The Netherlands Children's Postage Stamp Foundation has the DDMA 'Privacy Guarantee' quality mark.

How long do we use your data?

First of all: as long as you allow. In addition: as long as we need the data. If you have contacted us by email, we will keep this information for 3 months. If you have contacted us via WhatsApp, we will keep this information for 2 months. A year after the Children's Stamp Campaign, we only have data about an entire school or an entire group, and about the number of orders. Your nickname disappears after the action.

For questions or comments about the privacy statement, you can contact Stichting Kinderposttempels free of charge via:
Children's Postage Stamps Netherlands Foundation
Schipholweg 97
2316 XA Leiden
Or by e-mail:

Changes to this privacy statement

Our privacy statement is reviewed at least once a year and adjusted if necessary. Our 'Privacy' page always contains the latest version.

Privacy statement – ​​September 2023