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Youth Education Fund

Maximum development opportunities for all children

In the Netherlands, 230,000 children grow up in poverty. Children from poor families have fewer opportunities than children from richer families. They have fewer relaxation options, fewer development opportunities, and fewer facilities at home. Financial problems and worries at home lead to stress and lower school performance in children. The result of this is increasing inequality of opportunity.

Helping hand

Kinderposttempels has been involved in the Youth Education Fund since its inception. Together we have already been able to help thousands of children, for example in the field of sports and games and with school supplies.

Through primary school, the children in the target group receive what they need for their development, but what they cannot get from home. The teachers know better than anyone what their students need. Think of tutoring, glasses or reading books for home, but also a museum visit, school trip or sports activity. Together with the Youth Education Fund, we ensure that all children can develop to their maximum potential, even if there is little money at home.

Increasing future prospects

If we do nothing, we already know who the poor people of the future are. Investing in these children increases their chances of an active, healthy and happy life. That is good for the children and good for society.

Knowing more? Visit the website of our partner Youth Education Fund .

Various teachers talk about how children were helped by Children's Postage Stamps and the Youth Education Fund:


“There are quite a few children who come to school without sneakers. With financial help, the school was able to buy sneakers so that children can still participate in gymnastics.”

Een bril

“When the glasses of a student with poor vision broke during an incident, it caused great concern for the parents because there was no money for new glasses. The assistance received gave the family support, and a requirement: namely good eyesight.”


“A single mother could not afford swimming lessons for her three children. The school and apartment in which this family lives is located right along the water. With financial help, these children could learn to swim.”

together we give children superpower

For 100 years