Together we stop child labor
Millions of children have to work in the fields, in the household and in mines and factories. They sometimes work more than 10 hours a day, 7 days a week. This has consequences for their health and development. Children who work instead of going to school are more likely to find low-paid jobs later in life, and so are their children. Thus the vicious circle of poverty continues.
Causes of child labor
Poverty is often seen as the main cause of child labor, but the lack of good education or lack of knowledge also play a role. Combating child labor brings better opportunities for everyone: not only for the children, but also for the parents and the entire community. It all starts with education.
What are we doing?
Kinderposttempels is committed to combating child labor and ensuring good, full-time education for every child. We have been doing this for 15 years with the Stop Child Labor coalition and since 2019 with the Work: No Child's Business alliance. With funding from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we want to get even more children out of work and into school through this alliance until 2024.
Child labor free zones
Together we set up child labor-free zones. This could, for example, be a village or a plantation, where everyone is convinced that no child should work, but should go to school. We focus in particular on six countries where child labor is a major problem: Ivory Coast, India, Jordan, Mali, Uganda and Vietnam.
Knowing more? Check out the wncb website