India: boys and girls go to school
In India, not all children go to school. As a result, they miss out on knowledge and skills that they desperately need for better opportunities in the future. We want to change that.
In the eastern states of Bihar, Odisha and Jharkhand, people mainly live from agriculture. Many adults have hardly attended school and cannot read or write. As a result, they do not always see the importance of education for their children. Work is more important: they are poor and the children have to help them earn some money. Girls are often kept at home to help with the household chores and are at risk of being married off at a young age.
Better education is desperately needed
The quality of education is poor. The buildings and facilities are inadequate and there is a shortage of (good) teachers and school materials. To ensure that more children can go to school and receive good education for as long as possible, things have to change.
What are we doing?
Together with our partners we ensure a safe learning environment. We train teachers to teach better, with more understanding and attention to the development of the children. Because child labor and child marriage are often reasons to leave school early, we organize meetings for teachers and parents to make them aware of the importance of education.
"Your help came at the right time for me and the children. It helped us from a dark future to a bright, hopeful future."
- Urukuli Dharua, mother of Upama
Upama can go back to school
Upama's life changed dramatically when her father passed away. She was left behind with her mother, 2 farmers and 2 sisters and they barely had enough to eat. They also went to school less and less.
Until our local partner YCDA took care of this family in 2017. Together with the villagers, they looked at what was needed and provided sufficient food, clothing, school fees and school supplies for the children.
The children were able to go back to school and their mother received help in arranging matters such as widow's benefits and setting up a small goat farm. This meant that enough money came in and the children could go to further education.
The boys have now found work and are contributing to the family income. They all look to the future with confidence.