liefdevolle aandacht

Children's rights collective

Children's interests come first

Children depend on the love, care and attention of adults for their development. Adults are responsible and should know that they have to meet some basic needs when raising children. That often goes well, but unfortunately not always. That is why it is important that children's rights are laid down in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Growing up safely and development opportunities

That treaty contains agreements on how we should deal with children. They are about life at home and at school, about what parents should do for their children and what the government should provide. But also about dangers that children must be protected against, such as neglect, abuse and war.

What are we doing?

We are a member of the Children's Rights Collective. We stand up for the rights of children in the Netherlands. We do this together with Defense for Children, the National Youth Council, UNICEF Netherlands, Save the Children and Terre des Hommes. We provide information about children's rights, we advise the Dutch government and we report to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child.

Together we stand up for the interests of children in the Netherlands.

When the rights of children in the Netherlands are violated, it is our job to stand up for these children and their rights.

Knowing more? Visit the website of the Children's Rights Collective.

65% meer kinderen in de noodopvang

Het aantal kinderen in de noodopvang is in één jaar tijd met 65% toegenomen, blijkt uit de tweede monitor Kinderrechten in beweging die het Kinderrechtencollectief op 22 oktober 2024 uitbrengt. Het Kinderrechtencollectief vindt de situatie van kinderen in de noodopvang onacceptabel. Het is een ‘kansenspel’ of kinderrechten in de noodopvang in acht worden genomen. Daarom bouwt het Kinderrechtencollectief symbolisch een groot kansenbord op het grasveld voor de Tweede Kamer. Op het levensgrote spelbord, dat geïnspireerd is op het oudHollandse Ganzenbord, worden politici en voorbijgangers om 12 uur uitgenodigd het nieuw- Hollandse (Geen) Kansenbordspel te spelen. Door een dobbelsteen te werpen en stappen op het bord te zetten, beleven zij zelf hoe weinig kans kinderen hebben dat hun kinderrechten worden nageleefd.

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