100 years
100 years
100 years
100 years
100 years

Our history in a nutshell

Children's Postage Stamps have been strengthening the resilience of children for 100 years. We look back on a great history, with special highlights. Did you know, for example, that we were the founders of De Kindertelefoon? And that the children's stamp campaign has been officially included in the National Intangible Cultural Heritage Inventory? Discover our history and our plans for the future here.



Issue of the first children's stamps

A royal decree stipulates that stamps may be issued in the Netherlands with a surcharge 'for the deprived child'. That year, volunteers sold the first children's stamps. The proceeds are 51,000 guilders (23,143 euros). The money goes to hundreds of institutions for guardianship of children.


Children sell children's stamps

Schoolmaster Verheul from Waarder has an idea: he lets the children from his class go door to door with children's stamps. Educational, he thinks, because in this way the children learn to approach people, tell the story and during that time also pay in cash and deliver the ordered products. His idea turns out to be a great success. A year later, the national children's stamp campaign starts as it still does today: for children, by children.

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Childcare catalyst

Kinderposttempels stimulates the discussion about quality childcare and the downside of 'mothering alone'. This appears to be the catalyst for the setting up of large-scale (financed) childcare. Kinderposttempels also finances local childcare locations during that time.


'Hello, this is the Children's Telephone'

Kinderposttempels finances and supports the set-up of the Kindertelefoon. The first telephone number is opened in Amsterdam, soon twenty other places will follow. In 1983 the government took over. Kinderposttempels remained involved in providing assistance to children until 1990.


Standing up for children's rights

Kinderposttempels joins the Children's Rights Collective . Six organizations work together in this: Defense for Children, the National Youth Council, UNICEF Netherlands, Save the Children, Terre des Hommes and Kinderposttempels. The Children's Rights Collective provides information about children's rights, advises the Dutch government and reports to the United Nations Children's Rights Committee.


Resilience for refugee children

Kinderposttempels, together with other organizations, is committed to strengthening the resilience of children in asylum seeker centers (AZCs). This includes ensuring that refugee children have a nice place where they can play and develop.


Programs abroad

Kinderposttempels is committed to the development opportunities of children further away. For example, with programs against child labor, such as Stop Child Labor and Child Labor Free Zones (now: W ork: No Child's Business ). Her Choice is a program against child marriage and female circumcision. Furthermore, Kinderposttempels is committed to providing access to education for children in developing countries.


Children's Ombudsman

With more than ten years of research and preparatory work, Kinderposttempels is laying the foundation for the government's establishment of the Children's Ombudsman. The Ombudsman for Children stands up for the rights and interests of children.


Intangible Cultural Heritage

On September 30, 2017, the children's stamp campaign will be included in the National Intangible Cultural Heritage Inventory. Intangible heritage are traditions with which society identifies. A wonderful recognition!


Amendment to the Foster Care Act and support for foster families

Kinderposttempels is committed to extended foster care, so that foster children between the ages of 18 and 21 cannot suddenly find themselves on the street. This will be regulated in an amendment to the law in 2016. Three years later, Kinderposttempels, together with a number of partners, brought the Mockingbird model to the Netherlands. This model means that foster families receive support within a network, to prevent them from stopping (prematurely) taking care of foster children. Already a proven successful approach abroad.


Equal opportunities for children

Poverty is a growing problem in the Netherlands. More and more children are growing up in families that have difficulty making ends meet. Together with its partners, Kinderposttempels ensures that these children have equal development opportunities. For example, by contributing to school supplies and access to sports and games.


Children's wallet

Kinderposttempels launches the Children's Wallet , a special fund for which children can choose a destination themselves. With this unique initiative, children not only contribute ideas, but they also decide specifically which children receive (extra) help from Kinderposttempels.


Children's stamps 100 years

Children's Postage Stamps has been around for 100 years. While we look back on a great history, we take full action for the children of today and tomorrow. Because that is still desperately needed. Many children are 10-0 behind in life and therefore miss something essential: a good basis for being resilient. Our goal for the future is therefore clear: we want to strengthen the resilience of these children. Together with children, schools, parents, companies, project partners and many others. Together we give children superpower!