A safe home for every child
Every child has the right to a safe home in which to grow up happily. Unfortunately, approximately 23,000 children in the Netherlands stay in a foster family every year because they (temporarily) cannot live with their parents. Foster parents are committed to these children by including them in their family. This often goes well, but sometimes the foster families encounter problems and support is needed. They need practical support, education, contact with other foster parents and want to be able to refuel every now and then.
In 2018, 28% of foster care placements were terminated prematurely. A frequently mentioned reason for this is the lack of support.
"As a (single) foster parent, I was asked if the brother of my foster child could also come live with us. Thanks to Mockingbird, I could say 'Yes' with confidence. Because I feel supported by the hubhome foster parents and the network of foster parents around it.”
- Foster parent from constellation
The Mockingbird Model: Strong foster families through mutual support
The Mockingbird model is already being used in other countries. Six to ten families are linked together via an experienced nuclear family (hub home). Together they find a listening ear, advice, practical and mental support, recognition and also warmth and conviviality. This helps them to offer children a nice, stable place within their family.
Together with the Dutch Association for Foster Families (NVP), the Support Team for Care for Youth (OZJ) and Kennisbureau ter Meulen, we brought the Mockingbird model to the Netherlands in 2021, where our partner Foundation Support for Foster Families has since further set it up with our help. expanded.
The first Mockingbird constellation has now been running for more than a year and a half and the first results have recently been announced. The children, parents and professionals involved are very enthusiastic about this, so enthusiastic that at least 4 new constellations will start in 2024.
"I can talk about my experiences as a foster child without having to explain why I don't live with my biological parents."
- Foster child from constellation
'Just the idea that I can call on you gives me relief'
Miranda Maas, an experienced foster parent who runs the first Mockingbird hub home in the Netherlands, talks with her foster daughter Maartje about their experiences since the start in November 2022.
Maartje: "The recognition is nice, you don't have to explain anything."